
Larissa May inspires the future’s tech-savvy generation.

1 min read


  • Activist Larissa May founded #HalfTheStory to empower the next generation’s relationship with technology.
  • She emphasizes the dangers of social media and AI advancements, advocating for healthier digital interactions.

Larissa May, the founder of the nonprofit #HalfTheStory, spoke with Mozilla about empowering the next generation’s relationship with technology. She highlighted the risks children face in the rapidly evolving landscape of social media and AI advancements. May emphasized the importance of safeguarding children and supporting adults in modeling healthy technology relationships. Reflecting on her journey with #HalfTheStory, May expressed surprise at how many adults also struggle with their technological connections. She stressed the need for genuine human interactions and empathy, especially in the midst of divisive online environments.

May’s work has garnered attention from mainstream media outlets, but she finds the most meaningful moments in the personal connections and messages she receives from individuals impacted by #HalfTheStory. She draws inspiration from the community and envisions a future where humanity celebrates connections and relationships over technology and innovation. May’s hope for the next 25 years is a return to human-centered values, guided by the digital wellness revolution led by teens empowering positive change in the world.

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